Leandra Ramlo


how does one label oneself

Voice Part: Alto
Year: 2020
Member From: Fall 2016
Major: French / Rhetoric
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Music Interests: Joni Mitchell, Amy Winehouse, Cat Stevens, Vampire Weekend, Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Childish Gambino, J. Cole, The Strokes, Death Grips

Bio: As an avid list-maker, some of the Leandra's favorite things include, but are not limited to: cats, oatmeal, the beach, Thai iced tea, Indian food, playing soccer, drawing blind contours of people, and baseball hats. Throughout high school she had always wanted to be a part of an a cappella group, so she is very excited to be a part of DtS here at Cal!

Random: I've found 5 four-leaf clovers.