Annabel Eigel


Too Indecisive to Come Up With a Title

Voice Part: Mezzo
Year: 2022
Member From: Fall 2018
Major: Legal Studies
Hometown: Glenview, IL

Music Interests: Billie Eilish, Rex Orange County, Catfish and the Bottleman, Daniel Caesar, Chance the Rapper, George Ezra, Coldplay but only from 2000-2011, and pretty much anything else that isn’t country

Bio: Annabel grew up in a pretty musical family and has been passionate about music pretty much for as long as she can remember. When she’s not singing, playing guitar, or *trying* to play piano, she can be found exploring outdoors, occasionally playing lacrosse, or spending questionable amounts of time watching YouTube videos. She can also talk to you for hours about her dog, why everyone should go to summer camp, and why Chicago is the best American city.

Random: Annabel is an avid lover of calling herself a “self-taught” piano player, though her piano skills are subpar at best.